Useful Links for EY-7

This page will constantly be changing. As links are found they will be added to this page. Some links will have descriptions, and others will just be the title of the site and the link. If you are a user of any of these sites please feel free to add a description into the comments and this will added to the description.

Junior School


Mathematics BLM

Interactive sites for education- Maths a huge range of interactive math games across all areas of maths. As its a american site the money section is’nt too helpful.


Teach your monster to read– This site is based on teaching students phonics. It is a game where students build a monster and then teach it read.

ReadWriteThink –  A huge range of literacy resources.


Globe Genie– Randomly takes you to places around the word.

Open Street Map – Allows you to view, edit and use geographical data in a collaborative way from anywhere on Earth.

How to create projects an layers with Google Earth– Tutorials and resources to get you started in creating your own projects and layers in Google Earth.

Google Classroom Resources – Google’s own tutorials, links and classroom ideas. A wealth of ideas to help get you started with Google earth.



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