Paperless #2 – Interesting reading

This week I am sharing a blog post and conference notes from the site “Ditch My Textbook”. There are a range of useful tools and great ways to utilise technology to decrease the amount of paper that you use in your classroom. I have used a number of these tools and really suggest todaysmeet as a good tool to give a go. If you have a go at any of these tools please post your experiences in the comments below.

In class idea #2 – Glogster

Glogster is an interactive poster maker which allows you as a teacher to create groups (classes) and give students access to these classes where they can create interactive posters. Posters can include video, pictures, animations and text just to name a few of the features. I have used Glogster with my students to create posters showing units of measurement. You have the ability to mark the posters within Glogster and add comments to each of the posters. To join Glogster click here and follow the instructions.