Paperless School idea #1- Collaborative Documents

Once every few weeks I will post a number of ideas which can help to reduce the amount of paper we need to print out. This weeks idea is collaborative documents and file sharing.

Meeting Words – Quick and Easy to use no need to sign up, this site allows you and your team or class to all be working on a document at the same time. Each person is a different colour. Documents can be printed, and saved.

Self Destructible Notes – Type text (post note) and get a link for it, can be password protected, send the link (email, twitter) to the recipient. As soon as the recipient reads it, the note will be destructed. You can attach a file to your note. It will be automatically deleted after the first downloading

Google Drive:  Getting a Google account is a great step towards using a range of collaborative tools which give you access to the many Google apps. Google Drive allows you to upload your files, edit anytime from anywhere, choose who can access your documents share and collaborate online.